Simple guidance for anyone interested in imroving retail experience through proper product displaying. Visual merchandising makes it easier to attract, engage and motivate customers towards making purchases.

Cuban Shop Windows (Set Design – Anna Lomax/ Retouching – The...

"When visiting Cuba last year, I became a bit obsessed with the shop windows. Being a communist country with almost world...

Still life styling for spring inspiration

Could still life be the starting point of visual merchandising historically? Maybe yes or maybe not...what matters is a main difference between a visual composition for its own sake and visual...

The “Caruso Cabinet” by Paolo Cappello

Have you ever thought of the difficulties in displaying design items? "Caruso is a cabinet that can play high-definition music with the most modern technologies, but with...

Art photography affects visual merchandising

Clifford Coffin for Vogue-June 1949 © Condé Nast Mageia-Eleana Makri, Kolonaki

Happy Easter

photo via