Simple guidance for anyone interested in imroving retail experience through proper product displaying. Visual merchandising makes it easier to attract, engage and motivate customers towards making purchases.

Some life experience that a visual type of person would share

Such a long and interesting story is that of Cathy, Visual Director at Warby Parker (a brand for sunglasses), in Garance Dore. Helpfull advices, an awkward carreer path and everyday routine details...

Boticana pharmacy, Spain

photos via

Revisiting “silent selling”

I’m reading again but with pleasure silent selling (is there really a smarter title?), remembering the first time i had to read it between a mountain of books related to visual...

Still life styling for spring inspiration

Could still life be the starting point of visual merchandising historically? Maybe yes or maybe not...what matters is a main difference between a visual composition for its own sake and visual...

Breaking the rules of coordinated merchandising

Sometimes, just breaking the rules can become the only way to succeed. As Kishore Biyani, CEO of a rapidly evolving retail company of the...